Lokasi | Saporkren Village – Waisai - Waigeo |
Koordinat | |
Characteristics | Advance karstification, geological structures |
Mudin Cave in Waigeo is a terraced fossil cave that has a fairly large size. Various types and sizes of speleothems (stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones) become decorations on the roof, walls and bottom of cave passages. Calcium carbonate-saturated water from cave ceilings dripping on the surface of boulders from the collapse of roofs and walls of passage often results in a glossy white coating. Water also comes out of some tips of active stalactites. Locally, light brown sediments on the cave floor were mixed with deposits of guano phosphate. Guano phosphate is produced by reaction between bat droppings and urine with limestones. The cave has not been mapped in detail.
Gua Mudin di Waigeo ini adalah gua fosil bertingkat yang mempunyai ukuran cukup besar. Beragam jenis dan ukuran speleotem (stalaktit, stalakmit, flowstone) menghiasi atap, dinding dan dasar lorong. Air jenuh kalsium karbonat dari atap gua yang menetes di permukaan bongkah batuan hasil peruntuhan dari atap dan dinding lorong sering menghasilkan lapisan berwarna putih mengkilap. Air juga ke luar dari beberapa ujung stalaktit yang masih aktif terbentuk. Di area dasar gua terdapat sedimen berwarna coklat muda bercampur dengan endapan fosfat guano. Fosfat guano dihasilkan oleh reaksi antara kotoran dan air kencing kelelawar dengan batu gamping. Gua ini belum dipetakan secara rinci.
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