Misi tentang GEOLOGI

Mewujudkan terlindunginya warisan geologi dan melestarikannya secara berkelanjutan melalui edukasi dan pengembangan geowisata, serta menguatkan peran berbagai pihak melalui edukasi pengurangan resiko bencana geologi di Raja Ampat, dapat dicapai melalui 11 Program




1- Geosite Tangguh Bencana

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

2- Pengembangan Geosite & Geowisata

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

3- Perlindungan Situs Geopark

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

4- Penguatan Komunitas Geowisata

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

5- Pembangunan Sistem & SOP Dampak Negatif Pembangunan Geowisata

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

6- Geopark Goes to School

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

7- Revitalisasi Gedung Pusat Informasi Geopark Raja Ampat

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

8- Pengembangan Media Informasi Geopark

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

9- Pengadaan Pusat Informasi Digital Geopark Raja Ampat

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

10- Koordinasi Perizinan yang Tumpang Tindih di Kawasan Geosite

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

11- Penyediaan Sarana Transportasi (Laut, Darat, & Udara) yang Reguler, Murah, dan Aman untuk Masyarakat

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

©2022 Raja Ampat Geopark Management Body.

Seluruh hak cipta.
