Mewujudkan konservasi dan edukasi keanekaragaman hayati beserta ekosistemnya dan pemahaman perubahan iklim, serta melestarikannya secara berkelanjutan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal di Raja Ampat, dapat dicapai melalui 11 program




1- Identifikasi Potensi Biodiversitas

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

2- Ocean Debris

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

3- SMART PATROL di Kawasan Geosite

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

4- School Goes to Geopark

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

5- Mendorong Terimplementasinya Deklarasi Manokwari

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

6- Peningkatkan Efektivitas Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi yang Telah Ditetapkan

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

7- Pengelolaan dan Pengolahan Sampah dan Limbah Cair

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

8- Budidaya Komoditi/SDA Laut Bernilai Ekonomi Tinggi Berstatus Konservasi

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

9- Pengembangan Produk Lokal

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

10- Pengembangan Produk Olahan Ikan

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

11- Pengembangan Wisata Kuliner Hasil Laut

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

©2022 Raja Ampat Geopark Management Body.

Seluruh hak cipta.
