Mewujudkan penguatan & pelestarian warisan budaya secara berkelanjutan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal di Raja Ampat, dapat dicapai melalui 5 program




1- Perlindungan Potensi Budaya Lokal

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

2- Festival Pesona Zamrud Kars Khatulistiwa

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

3- Penguatan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan SDA Laut Berkelanjutan

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

4- Peningkatan Kapasitas Masyarakat & OPD dalam Rencana Aksi Daerah Untuk Perubahan Iklim

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

5- Promosi Produk Lokal

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

©2022 Raja Ampat Geopark Management Body.

Seluruh hak cipta.
