
Aduwey Village – North Misool


01o59’8.2”S and 129o54’25.7”E


Rock association, geological process (metamorphism) and history, regional tectonics








Slates, the oldest rock exposed at Raja Ampat area

Turbidites located at coordinates 01o59’8.2”S and 129o54’25.7”E and interpreted to be of Silurian-Devonian age is supposed to have experienced folding and metamorphosed during tectonic phase before Middle Triassic time. Folding was caused by break-up of the northern part of Gondwana Continent Slates, a low grade metamorphic rock, is scattered on western end of the southern coast of Misool, including some islets off the coast. The unit exposed at Aduwey Village which is called Ligu Metamorphics is the oldest rock exposed at Raja Ampat area.

This geological heritage site is also included in the category or criteria for regionally valuable geological sites in West Papua and has good value in scientific and educational aspects, so it is very suitable as a natural laboratory to be studied and researched so that it will be useful for future generations.

Endapan turbidit yang terletak dalam wilayah Kampung Aduwey, Distrik Misool Utara ini ditafsirkan berumur Silur-Devon dan diduga mengalami pelipatan dan pemalihan selama fasa tektonik sebelum Trias Tengah. Pelipatan disebabkan oleh pemberaian Benua Gondwana bagian utara. Batu sabak yang merupakan batuan malih derajat rendah tersebar di ujung barat pantai selatan daratan Misool, termasuk pulau-pulau kecil di lepas pantai. Batuan yang dinamakan Batuan Malih Ligu ini merupakan batuan tertua yang tersingkap di daerah Misool dan sekitarnya.

Situs warisan geologi ini juga masuk dalam kategori atau kriteria situs geologi bernilai regional Papua Barat dan memiliki nilai yang baik dalam aspek Ilmiah dan Pendidikan, sehingga sangat cocok menjadi laboratorium alam untuk dipelajari dan diteliti sehingga bermanfaat ke generasi yang akan datang.

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