Lokasi | Kabui Bay (Waigeo) |
Koordinat | 00o18’59.5”S and 130o39’ 35.5”E |
Characteristics | Rock association, advance karstification |
The entrance of Wawiyai Cave
The entrance of Wawiyai Cave is at sea level. This subsurface karst phenomenon is located in Wawiyai Village, South Waigeo District, at coordinates 00o18’59.5”S and 130o39’ 35.5”E. This unmapped cave was previously interpreted to be a dry cave, which was inundated by seawater when the sea level transgressed. The rocks at the cave entrance are boulders of limestone that have collapsed from part of the roof and wall cave. Cave decorations are not well developed, and mostly green due to they are covered in moss. The cave became the habitat of bats and swallows.
Gua Wawiyai adalah gua yang mulut guanya berada di permukaan rerata muka laut. Gua yang belum dipetakan ini diduga sebelumnya merupakan gua kering, yang digenangi oleh air laut ketika permukaan laut mengalami kenaikan (transgresi) sebelum akhirnya daratan terangkat secara perlahan-lahan. Gundukan batu di mulut gua merupakan bongkahan batu gamping yang runtuh dari dinding gawir. Hiasan gua tidak berkembang baik, sebagian besar berwarna hijau karena tertutup lumut. Gua menjadi hunian kelelawar dan seriti.
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