
Mayalibit Bay (Waigeo)


00019’04,3” S and 130055’10,7”E


Advance karstification, kitchen wastes of

prehistoric man (archaeology)









Guy Cave seen from inside.

Cave from outside.

Kitchen waste (bone fragments, clam shells), which are food remains of prehistoric

Man who are thought to have inhabited Guy Cave several thousand years ago.

Limestones of the Waigeo Formation exposed on the western edge of Mayalibit Bay, Waigeo, has undergone further karstification to form a short cave passage. This site is located in Warsambin Village, Mayalibit Bay District, at coordinates 00019’04,3”S and 130055’10.7”E. The cave entrance about 5 m above sea level is curved,

5 m wide and 3 m high. Cave decorations like stalactites, stalagmites as well as flowstones are found in a 10 m long dead-end passage. The cave floor is stratified by cave sediments in the form of loose sand which contains lots of vertebrate bone fragments and mollusk shells. These are thought to be kitchen waste or food remains of prehistoric man who once lived in the cave. When the cave began to be inhabited or became a prehistoric man stopover is not yet known.

Situs warisan gua Guy ini berasal dari Batu gamping Formasi Waigeo yang tersingkap di pinggir barat Teluk Mayalibit, yang kemudian mengalami karstifikasi-lanjut dan membentuk lorong gua pendek. Mulut gua yang berada sekitar 5 m di atas muka laut ini berbangun melengkung, dengan lebar 5 m dan tinggi 3 m. Stalaktit, stalakmit dan flowstone menjadi hiasan gua yang dijumpai di dalam lorong buntu sepanjang 10 m ini. Dasar gua dilapisi oleh sedimen gua berupa pasir lepas yang banyak mengandung kepingan tulang vertebrata dan cangkang moluska. Tulang dan cangkang ini diduga merupakan sampah dapur, yaitu sisa-sisa makanan manusia prasejarah yang pernah tinggal di dalam gua. Kapan gua mulai dihuni atau menjadi tempat persinggahan manusia prasejarah, sampai saat ini belum diketahui.

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