Realizing the protection of geological heritage and preserving it in a sustainable manner through education and development of geotourism, as well as strengthening the role of various parties through education on geological disaster risk reduction in Raja Ampat, can be achieved through 11 programs




1- Disaster Resilient on Geosite

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

2- Geosite Development & Geotourism

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

3- Geopark Site Protection

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

4- Geotourism Community Strengthening

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

5- System Development & SOPs for Negative Impacts of Geotourism Development

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

6- Geopark Goes to School

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

7- Revitalization of Raja Ampat Geopark Information Center Building

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

8- Developing Geopark Information Media

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

9- Procurement of Digital Information Center for Raja Ampat Geopark

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

10- Coordination of overlapping permits in the Geosite

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

11- Provision of Regular, Cheap, and Safe Transportation Facilities (Sea, Land, & Air) for the Community

Many of us have back problems, it is a very wide problem for people, ever since we started walking on our tow legs and raised our backs.

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